Bonus Song: Just Like Us
Please remember that the workshop materials that appear on this website were still in development when published, so they shouldn’t be taken as finished works. Cautionary Tale is a show about finding hope and spreading joy when all seems lost. We’ve lost our chance, for the time being, to work on developing the show as we had planned but we’d still like to share the joy. For a limited time, we’re sharing extracts from the score, lyrics, script, choreography and design of Cautionary Tale here so you can get a flavour of this show by reading, rehearsing and performing some of it in your own home. These works are copyright and the use of the materials posted here is strictly for personal, non-commercial use. Once we are ready to go back into production these resources will be removed.
At its heart, Cautionary Tale is a show about the gap between who we are as children and the adults we become, and all the joy, grief, hope and disappointment that growing up brings.
For the children of Gloaming, being an adult seems pretty awful. They watch their parents spend day after day being who they’re supposed to be instead of who they are, growing steadily more miserable with every moment.
But one night, defying strict instructions to stay safe inside, the children sneak out to spy on their parents in their secret haunt, The Black Dog. After that, there’s no way they can ever look at their parents in the same light again, and as they sing Just Like Us, the children understand for the first time that if things continue as they are, one day they too will become Awful Adults.
Don’t forget to share your recordings on social media with the hashtag #CautionaryTaleMusical.