How does this work?

Our Cautionary Tale online workshop is now over but we’ll leave a selection of the materials in this section of the website as an archive of the project.

For copyright reasons, not all of the workshop materials will remain in the public domain, so if you’d like to see full copies of the script, score, demos or a recording of the online reading please contact us here.

Every week we’re going to upload a package of goodies about a different family of Gloaming, the town where Cautionary Tale is set. There’ll be sheet music, backing tracks, note bashing files, choreography videos, script extracts and character sketches.

We want you to help us stage the show. Learn the songs and dances, act out the scenes or recreate your version of the costumes and share them on twitter, TikTok and instagram using the hashtag #CautionaryTaleMusical.

You can find everything you need here on this page of our website, which we’ll update every Friday so you can get stuck in over the weekend.

There’ll be five packages released over five weeks, plus some bonus songs and material here and there. Then, we’re going to do a full read through of the show online accompanied by some of the best of your videos to help illustrate what the show might feel like.

We’ll be inviting the creators of the best video responses to be part of the live online reading in June 2020 and, once the pandemic is over, one lucky winner will be invited to join us to record the final demos for the show. Just make sure to post your video on social media using the hashtag #CautionaryTaleMusical by midnight on 13th June.

We’re not expecting you to stage a full show at home - instead, we want you to find what excites you most about the show and record a creative response to that. It can be as modest or ambitious as you like - as long as you’re excited and inspired by what you show us.

So whether you’re a budding musical theatre star or just bored of lockdown and willing to give anything a try (we’ve all been there) we need you!